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Hawaii Family Forum seeks like-minded people in the community and provides a forum for discussion on issues that affect the faith-based community in Hawaii


Being a good citizen cannot be done from the sidelines.  It requires our participation.  Laws and regulations affect you and your family and will ultimately affect future generations.

Hawaii Family Forum does research, public speaking, and education on issues important to the ohana.  We provide education on issues regarding strengthening marriage and family, life and religious freedom.

Hawaii Family Forum is a family educational organization that encourages people in Hawaii to live out citizenship from a biblical worldview to transform and shape Hawaii ultimately. We have served Hawaii’s pastors and churches since 1998.


  • We provide resources that equip citizens to make their voices heard on critical social policy issues involving the sanctity of human life, the preservation of religious liberties, and the well-being of the family as society’s building block.
  • We help citizens understand and passionately engage in policy issues relevant to families from a foundation firmly established in a biblical worldview.
  • We also encourage them to participate in the democratic process, which will help forge a better future for our children and our culture.

If you want to know about legislation in real time, click here to join our network.


Hawaii Family Forum provides information on all legislative efforts. Priorities for the year are decided upon by the Hawaii Family Forum Board of Directors and the beginning of every year.

What We Offer

We unite and equip people of faith in Hawai’I by working with like-minded pastors and churches. Check out our action center to see what we are doing.