With gratitude and thanksgiving, Hawaii Family Forum honors the following persons. Their memory lives on through the families and future generations that will be blessed by their tribute.
Submitted by: Steve Holck (Son) COL. FREDERICK HOLCK, slipped the surly bonds of earth today (October 1, 2015) and touched the face of God eternally! He is in Heaven celebrating eternal life where God just told him, “WELL DONE GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT!” The generosity of Col. Holck will truly be remembered with love. A donation was made to Hawaii Family Forum in his honor.
Philip H. Moore of Honolulu passed away on March 28, 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia. He was born in San Francisco to Hal Elliot and Mildred (White) Moore, graduated from St. Ignatius High School, and attended the University of Notre Dame and Santa Clara University to study aeronautical engineering. He loved flying and owned an Aeronca Model K Scout that he flew up and down the west coast. He hoped to join the Air Force but, because of his eyesight, was not accepted to the Academy. Phil joined the Army and was sent to the Monterey Army Language School, where he learned Hungarian, and then stationed in Frankfurt, where he learned German. Returning to San Francisco, he finished his education at the University of San Francisco and earned a BS in Physics. He started teaching physics and mathematics at Lowell High School, San Francisco’s top public high school, when he received a grant from the NSF and came to the University of Hawaii, where he earned his MS degree in Mathematics. Hired to be on the original faculty of Leeward Community College (LLC) in 1968, he taught physics and mathematics there until he retired in 2011. From 2001-2011, he developed a special course that taught remedial math to students who demonstrated neither an affinity for nor love of the subject. He received many accolades from his students for his work. Phil was President of Hawaii Right to Life from 1984 to 2009, a Eucharistic Minister at Holy Trinity Parish for many years and active in the Republican Party of Hawaii (where he portrayed Abraham Lincoln at several Lincoln Day Celebrations). In 1981 he was one of the charter founding members of the Hawaii Kai Toastmasters and continued his membership until 2012, earning several designations. Phil was also very much involved in his daughters’ school activities, especially ballet. He documented their progress and was the official videographer for their performances. He is survived by his wife Liz, daughters Stephanie and Jennifer, their spouses Mike and Dominic, grandchildren Brianna, Philip, Elizabeth, Catherine and James and sister Victoria Frisk and spouse Don and nieces and nephews. At his Celebration of Life services, Phil was honored by the Legislature for his selfless work for the unborn, elderly and disabled – those who were unable to speak for themselves. Donations were made to Hawaii Family Forum in his honor.
Catherine “Marie” Kuhn passed away on July 17, 2014. She was born in Philadelphia, PA. She is survived by her three daughters, Kathy Kuhn Asby, Rena Oberacker and Marie Elise Kuhn, her son Stephen Allen Kuhn and two grandchildren.
What a gift to witness and honor her life. She was an amazingly strong woman and a role model who touched many lives. Her charity work was a second full time job for 35. She was a beacon of truth who never waivered. She was an advocate for the unborn children and pioneered a program (TRY WAIT) used in Hawaii’s public schools teaching youth to make responsible choices. She eventually turned the blueprint and government grant over to Catholic Charities and continued to train volunteers.
Hawaii Family Forum is truly grateful to the Kuhn family for helping us to honor the work and life of C. “Marie” Kuhn. Donations were made to Hawaii Family Forum in her honor. We will miss her. Mahalo, and may the Lord continue to bless the Kuhn family.
Eric Scott Andrade, entered into eternal rest on November 19, 2011. He is survived by his wife Monica, children: Gabriella, Micah and Nicholas; Parents Jim & Flo Andrade; In-Laws Frank & Nita Hing; Siblings: James & Tina Andrade; Eva Andrade and Kevin Andrade; Nieces and Nephews: Kanani, Alika, Kaliko, Aimee, Rachel, Chez, Elmer, Kevin Jr., and Manny. Eric was a beloved employee of CVS (Longs Drugs). His love and passion for the Lord permeated every aspect of his life and he will be long remembered for his generosity to the community.
A ceremony celebrating his life, including full military honors, was held at Mililani Mortuary. A donation was made to Hawaii Family Forum in his honor. Mahalo and may the Lord continue to bless the Andrade family.
Lieutenant Colonel L. James Hochberg, Sr. passed away on April 22, 2011. He is survived by four children, with the late Mary Elizabeth (Smith) Hochberg; son, Lloyd James (Jim) Hochberg, Jr.; daughters, Elizabeth Ann Vellalos, Pamela Susan Crombar, and Kristy Lyn Smith; brother, Peter J. Hochberg. He is also survived by grandchildren and great grandchildren. Jim enjoyed two successful careers, 25 years each. Jim’s first career was as a “Mustang” in the United States Army serving with the 2nd Artillery Division as a forward observer. Jim was assigned to Korea from 1950 to 1954 earning two Bronze Stars for bravery under fire. He was also assigned to the Niki Missile development team, then to Washington DC, to NATO, and then assigned to CINCPAC Fleet.
Jim enjoyed his second career with Hawaii Pacific University as a Professor and then as Sr. Vice President Emeritus. He developed the military Internet Education Program for HPU. Jim was honored with HPU’s most prestigious award, Fellow of the Pacific (interest in higher education). He also served his community well serving as a board member for the Aloha Council B.S.A., Hawaii State Commander for the Military Order of the World Wars, member of the Governor’s Committee for Excellence, member of the United States Congressional Advisory Board, and past president of the Rotary Club of West Honolulu.
A ceremony with full military honors was held at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, Punchbowl on Monday May 23, 2011. A donation was made to Hawaii Family Forum in his honor. Mahalo and may God continue to bless the Hochberg family.
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