Hope for Hopelessness

December 8, 2017

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Join host President Eva Andrade as she discusses suicide in Hawai’i with Pastor Allen Cardines, the current Board Chairman of Hawaii Family Forum.

According to Pastor Allen, “it takes a village to raise and child, and if that’s true, then we have to be more intentional in putting “unity” back into “community.” ”

According to the Hawaii State Department of Health, “[s]uicide was the most common cause of fatal injuries among Hawaii residents over the 5-year period 2010-2014, accounting for over one-quarter (908, or 26%) of all fatal injuries. Suicide was the leading cause of injury-related death for most age groups — all but the very young and the very old — outpacing car crashes, homicide, unintentional poisoning and drowning. One person dies by suicide in Hawaii every two days.”

As people of faith, it is our duty to lock arms with our communities and bring hope to those who are hopeless.

Warning Signs (from State of Hawaii Department of Health)
  • Withdrawing from friends and family
  • Depression, broadly speaking; not necessarily a diagnosable mental illness such as clinical depression, but indicated by signs such as
    • loss of interest in usual activities, showing signs of sadness, hopelessness, irritability
    • changes in appetite, weight, behavior, level of activity or sleep patterns
    • loss of energy
    • making negative comments about self
    • recurring suicidal thoughts or fantasies
    • sudden change from extreme depression to being `at peace’ . This may indicate that they have decided to attempt suicide.
  • Talking, writing or hinting about suicide
  • Previous attempts
  • Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness
  • Purposefully putting personal affairs in order – giving away possessions, sudden intense interest in personal wills or life insurance, ‘clearing the air’ over personal incidents from the past



Suicide Hotline:  1-800-273-8255

Suicide Prevention: State of Hawaii Department of Health

Teens & Suicide (Focus on the Family)