Pollsters Are Worried They’ll Botch the Upcoming Election – Again. Should Christians Care?
Posted by Bruce Hausknecht | Sep 29, 2022 | Government Updates, How to Get Involved
After embarrassing polling errors in the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections, pollsters have analyzed their past results, re-evaluated and tweaked their techniques, and are polling the 2022 midterm races across the country this year with fear and trepidation.
“Pollsters fear they’re blowing it again in 2022,” a Politico headline blares. “Perfectly Reasonable Question: Can We Trust the Polls?” The New York Times asks.
Many of the 2016 and 2020 polls seriously underestimated Republican support for candidates and overestimated support for Democratic candidates. Was it bias? Did they under sample certain demographics? Did Trump supporters refuse to talk to pollsters? There are lots of theories.
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