Where We Stand

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Hawaii Family Forum is dedicated to defending the sanctity of human life, and by human life we mean God’s creation from fertilization to natural death. In the beginning, God created the earth and everything in it, including humans. As it says in Psalm 139:13, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

Marriage & Family

Marriage is a sacred, legal, and social union ordained by God to be a life-long, sexually exclusive relationship between one man and one woman. Hawaii Family Forum holds this institution in the highest esteem, and strongly opposes any legal sanction of marriage counterfeits, such as the legalization of same-sex “marriage” or the granting of marriage-like benefits to same-sex couples, cohabiting couples, or any other non-marital relationship via civil unions.  We support Hawaii’s reciprocal beneficiary law which allows certain benefits to couples who cannot legally marry in the state.

End of Life Care

Along with our community coalition partners, Hawaii’s Partnership for Appropriate and Compassionate Care” we support constructive and positive alternatives to physician-assisted suicide and physician-assisted death, including more effective pain management, expansion of services for people with disabilities, better diagnosis and treatment of depression and greater utilization of hospice and palliative care.


Hawaii Family Forum opposes all forms of legalized gambling for both moral and social reasons. We believe the net societal effect of our government’s sanction and support of gambling has been disastrous. We should be proud that Hawaii is among only two States (Utah is the other one) in the nation where all forms of gambling remain illegal.  Proponents of legalized gambling in Hawaii boast of its promise of economic revitalization and prosperity.